Thursday, March 01, 2007

If Earth's population were to shrink to a villiage of 100 people with exsisting human rations remaining it would look like this:

-61 would be from Asia
-12 would be from Europe
-14 would be from the Western Hemisphere
-13 would be from Africa

-50 males
-50 females

-85 wouldn't be white
-15 white

-33 would be Christian
-67 would be non-Christians, including
18 Muslims
16 Hindus
6 Buddists
<1 Jew

-60% of the world's wealth would belong to 6 people (Mostly from the US)

-25 would live on $1.00 a day

-47 would live on $2.00 a day

-46 would live in urban areas

-14 would be unable to read

-17 would live in substandard housing

-41 would be without basic sanitation

-13 would be malnourished

-4 would use the internet

-8 would use persnal computers

-2 would be college educated

keep in mind this is from a far Left site, but I found it interesting.

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